Key components of this intervention includes:
Transformation of 53 UPHCs into HWCs:
This will include technical support to the state for strengthening and functioning of existing urban primary healthcare centers and transforming them into HWCs.
Piloting Technology Enabled Health and Wellness Centers:
The WISH technology enabled HWC includes SwasthyaATM, Medicine Vending Machine, Medical tele-consultation, online registrations, basic vital records and diagnostics.
Transformation of Tea Garden Clinics into Smart Clinics:
Transforming healthcare centers into technology and innovation led smart clinics with comprehensive primary healthcare services in the peripheral settings for tea garden communities.
Electronic Health Record:
E-Health Record of the population to facilitate referral reporting and enable continuum of care. WISH will support the state to pilot this in approximately 100 health facilities across rural and urban health centers.
Healthcare Innovation and Point Care Devices:
WISH will support to establish a cost-effective telemedicine system to provide medical services to the HWCs (existing Sub Centers).